Monday, September 19, 2011

Rebecca & Maureen's Excellent Relative Adventure: Part 1

Duncan and Annie McLeod - we are on the hunt to find the graves of some of my dead ancestors. I will have more information to follow in future blogs regarding the specifics/pedigree, but in the meantime, what you need to know is this:

Mom and I are in Ontario.
We are staying with my Grandparents (who are awesome).
We fearlessly navigated the airport, twice - and rented a car.
My ancestors were originally from the Isle of Lewis.
Eric is home by himself - casserole donations are appreciated.

For now though, enjoy a few of the photos I have taken. Not many yet, but there will be more to come.

One of many tombstones to come...

My foot and Mom's foot!

This bridge was not over troubled waters...very calm. Very peaceful!