Thursday, June 21, 2012

Energy Play List

37+0 weeks gestation today! Received permission from by GP that I can go into labor now at any time. Also learned that our monster baby is actually measuring appropriately! Hooray! Perhaps there is hope that my genetics will prevail and not my giant husband (only in regards to infant birth weight of course.) Baby has not dropped yet - which is all right, we still have time. However, I am presently working through some major house cleaning and rocking out to some great tunes while I do it. Would be nice if all the bee-bopping would help this little one settle down. I am also drinking red raspberry leaf tea by the gallon - served iced it is actually quite delicious in the heat.

Being off work the past few weeks has truly been the best thing which could have happened to me and our little family. I am happier, less stressed, sleeping better and actually getting to nest! Eric and I get to spend some couple time together before we are officially on parental duty and a few niggly little chores are getting completed. I really resisted coming off of work and was quite depressed and upset when I had too. I felt like I was letting our family down by not being strong enough to keep working. I know it really has nothing to do with personal strength, but that was what was going through my head. Jah know? 

I guess, as with everything, there is a purpose and grander plan which I am not privy too. Sometimes I get to glimpse the tiniest bit of what is to come, but mostly I am in the dark and to be honest - thank goodness! If I had known ahead of time what I would be asked to face in this lifetime I would be overjoyed, overwhelmed and dismayed all at the same time. I think the technical latin term would be 'non-copus'. I digress. Through it all, somehow we manage to continue to believe that we are not alone in this adventure and that ultimately it is not all for naught. If we do nothing more then believe in the adage "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", well, Eric and I will be some pretty darn strong human beans. And that is comforting. Sort of.

Well, sounds like hubby is in from working on the truck. Good thing we love our's reliable all right. We can rely on something to always need fixing! 

I am currently working on learning a new photo editing software suite...bare with me as the next few pics I post will likely be unedited like this one...which badly needs some cropping :)