Thursday, March 29, 2012

Return and Snotty Pot

Yup, the Robin has returned in Calgary as well. I saw the cheerful little guy on Tuesday evening and have since been hearing them frequently "Cheer-upping" away outside. Awesome.

On a totally different tangent, I tried a Neti Pot. I think they could be more aptly referred to as Snotty Pots. Maybe Neti has some sanscript meaning I am not aware of - but everytime I look at it. I think of snot. Also, Snotty Pot has a bit of a ring to it, right?'s incredible to watch that much mucus pouring forth from your face. It's also really hard not to laugh out loud at the sight of yourself in the mirror with a teapot stuck in one nostril. Also, mad skill is required to use the Snotty Pot effectively and NOT drown yourself. For first timers, I recommend having a rag handy to clean the mirror as you will either: a) laugh out loud, b) sneeze, c) cough, or d) a combination of the above. In rapid fire sequence, your nose and mouth become a reservoir for a surprising amount of salty, mucuosy liquid which will fly from your face at the speed of roughly 12.5 miles/second, creating an intricate expectorant pattern all over the bathroom. It is quite lovely to behold. Especially at 0300 in the morning when you can-not-sleep-and-all-you-really-want-is-some-NeoCitran-but-can't.

Yes. The Snotty Pot. Odd, but effective.

Phallic shaped nostril plug hey? Makes me giggle looking at it...which is not helpful.  

Monday, March 26, 2012

Rumor has it.

Rumor has that Robin's have been sighted. Glory be and Hallelujah! Although the snowflakes are falling gently outside my window pane, I can see the treetops have a subtle green hue to them and I am glad. My day lily's are struggling forth from the frosted ground and there is even a trefoil strawberry making an appearance. Woot.

As mentioned in my last post, it is with the coming of spring that I have promised to be true to myself again - to shake off the winter doldrums, quit living with dust bunnies and truly come forth and BE. So far things seem to be coming along well. I even picked up a pencil this evening and permitted myself to BE creative and draw, something I have not done in ages. Not that the picture itself is worth showing to ANYONE (an artist I am not) but I do need to try once and a while.

Another thing - I am listening to music again. Now for all those country haters out there, I don't want to hear it. To you I say "Pbbbbllllllllttttt". That is all. I happen to love it. I love many many musics, but there is something about Country music which resonates with me. Poor taste? Nah, just a little bit of gravel roads, spruce gum and bare foot therapy.

Aspelund Road Sunset
Ever onward I go again.

Monday, March 12, 2012

I had a dream.

I had a dream last night that I found Duncan and Annie's grave marker. They were together - and I cried as I slept because I was so glad. Many other thoughts flew through my mind last night, but I am struck with this memory.

It is coming to be spring again and my soul really does rejoice. I love the white, the crisp and the crunchiness of winter but spring is where I really live. I think it is the combination of the long walk this morning - taking in the very first that spring has to offer, and my memory of the dream that reminds me to come into myself again. To be faithful to who I am and trust that what I believe to be right, Is.

I ruminate and am rewarded by an internal physical acknowledgement of my presence. And of bean.
Goodness but it IS good to be here.

The Rose Tombstone