What I can use for props are my stethescope, ID/swipe card, name badge, bandage scissors, clamp, pen (x2), sharpie, penlight, alcohol swab or two, pair of non-sterile gloves, OR hat, maybe a belly-band button if I have one, reference cards and a tourniquet. Hard to photograph, but I also always have my brain, my hands and my heart. These are the tools I carry with me wherever I go. It's actually part of my pre-shift routine - check each pocket to ensure all stuff that should be there is there. My scrubs are laundered at the hospital as I am expected to be able to enter our operating theaters at a moments notice - no outside clothing! My work shoes are black Birkenstock clogs with a non-slip grip and full back. They are nasty and will not be coming home with me. When they are worn out, they will be disposed of in a bio-hazard bag. No joke. The amount of 'stuff' that gets on them...let's just say the non-slip grip was a VERY good investment.
Other then that, I have my resources at home. They include:
- Penny Simkin's "The Birth Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas and All Other Labor Companions" 3rd Edition
- Ina May Gaskin's "Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding"
- Ina May Gaskin's "Spiritual Midwifery" 4th Edition
- The work of Reva Rubin regarding the phases of motherhood
- The work of Jean Watson regarding her Theory of Caring
- Resources accessible from MOREOb (Managing Obstetrical Risk Effectively)
- Elizabeth Davis' "Heart & Hands: A Midwife's Guide to Pregnancy and Birth" 4th Edition
- Kathleen R. Simpson & Patricia A. Creehan's "Perinatal Nursing" put out by the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, 3rd Edition
- Wong, Hockenberry, Wilson, Perry & Lowdermilk's "Maternal Child Nursing Care" 3rd Edition
- Policies and Procedures developed and utilized by AHS
(You know, I feel guilty not listing these resources in APA format - how well conditioned am I?)
Huh. So. Now that I look at the list, there actually is a fair amount of material to work with. Now I just need to wait for the creative bug to bite and capture some images. Anywho, a snapshot for those who are interested about what I do/think/reference/use in a day at work.
And now for some other photos!
Early spring sky (April 30) taken just outside the Aspelund Community Hall in Lacombe County, AB. Many good memories of this little hall. |
Wow. Whoever wrote those lyrics must have an advanced degree in English Lit.
Why a pansy of course! Taken a day or two ago. Location: my front yard. Cheerful little thing isn't it? |
And that is all. For now. Carpet cleaning and reorganizing the office awaits me this afternoon. I will squeeze in time to harass the cats and pat the dog.