Epic. That's the only word which can really describe exactly how the past two days have been for Eric and I. Epic.
A few years ago Eric embarked on a quest to 4x4 to the closed down Paradise Mine, located behind and above the town of Invermere. After years, literally, of researching and planning - we finally did it! We toodled around for the better part of the morning, thinking the worst we were going to encounter was this:
Pheasant/Quail/Whatchamacallit birds like these were everywhere! And wanted to walk SLOWLY in front of the truck. |
Soon though, we were on to things like this:
"I spy with my little eye, something that is green!" |
And then this:
Eric walking the trail to ensure its Jeep worthiness |
When we got here, we were pretty sure we weren't going to make it to the mine without first each getting a new pair of undergarments. This was a leeedle-bit intense...
"Umm honey, we are above the tree line. And there is snow." |
So we decided to turn around, thinking that we weren't going to find the mine on this trip.
Before I continue with this tale, I want to make it clear to everyone reading that we were following a trail and were NOT driving off of it. We packed out all of our garbage and even left the trail in better shape then when we originally drove through.
Tread Lightly!
On our way back down the mountain we decided, on a whim, to try one more road which appeared to be heading in the general direction of the mine. We found this:
Old log cabin which had a stove and bed still inside. |
Then we stopped here and walked around for a while as we girded our loins to go even further.
Finally! After risking both swing arm and human arm, CV boot and my boot - we made it!
There aren't very many structures left standing, most of them burned down about 10 years ago. Also, an outfit which rents ATVs in the area has unfortunately allowed their patrons to go mudding and discard all sorts of quad plastics, broken brake light covers and even a few sparkplugs (?!?). Eric and I parked the truck and walked around the old site on foot, taking lots of pictures, admiring the wild life and wondering if the miners called this place Paradise because of its overwhelming beauty or a tongue-in-cheek comment on the incredibly rough conditions they would have endured daily.
On the way back to the villa, we stopped and dipped our hot feet in the Kootenay. The Jeep told us it wanted to get wet too; so we promised it a nice truck-wash when we got back to Calgary. Good job Jeep-Jeep!
For those interested in EXACTLY where we were, Eric has kindly made a map.
Today we went for 16km canoe trip from Invermere to Radium on the Columbia river. There is not much to explain. There was a boy - and a girl - and a little canoe...
I nearly burst into song there. The water was wet, the sky was blue and the weather was amazing. Here are a few pictures of our journey.
Eric looking smashing in his new hat (yes, I forgot to pack hats too). |
Look at the size of that bird foot print! Great Blue Heron? |
Yup, mighty fine two days we have had. Interspersed with plenty of relaxing! But, the bacon'n'beans are done cooking now and Eric looks ready to eat the table leg. I'll provide another update as soon as I can. Until then, my tip of the day is this: NEVER underestimate how deep you can sink in river mud. It will surprise you.